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Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Markets are dynamic. Life is dynamic. Should your portfolio and allocation remain static? 



Our Total Wealth Portfolios are designed within the constructs of a risk-first framework and tailored to the needs of each individual client. Our service model provides for frequent client-advisor touchpoints so that portfolio decisions and advice are timely, relevant, and of the utmost value to the client. Our goal is to put our clients in the strongest financial position today and going forward. The strength of your financial position is composed of three things: the ability to grow assets, the ability to borrow and lend when and where appropriate, and the ability to execute your financial plan.

Diversification & RIsk Management

Diversification & RIsk Management

Risk is not linear. Our investment process is predicated on identifying market risks and weighing the probability of those risks against the possibility of portfolio upside/ returns. Many risks can be mitigated or neutralized via diversification of assets; an active approach to portfolio management can also play an important role in enhancing the tradeoff between risk and return. The result is a smoother, high quality stream of returns. We consider three key measures of risk within our framework: maximum drawdown, downside deviation, and standard deviation.



With direct access to portfolio managers around the clock and the flexibility to choose the mode and frequency of communication, clients at TWP are more than clients; they are partners. While risk management may be described as the cornerstone of TWP’s portfolio management process, alignment of interests guides the client-advisor relationship from the beginning at Total Wealth Partners. Financial recommendations, ad hoc advice, and other communications- in person, over the phone, via email or text- are unique to each client’s circumstances and goals.